• Docs
  • Web SDK
  • Store States
  • Host Controls

Host Controls States

The general architecture of the meeting gives certain powers to the host to moderate the meeting. You can have one host and multiple co-hosts.

The host has the powers to make other peers co-hosts and remove them. Other host powers include

  • Restrict access to the chat
  • Start and stop recording
  • Start and stop live streaming
  • Start and stop screen sharing
  • Stop video
  • Stop audio
  • Start and stop the meeting

Store States

type IHostControlsStoreType {
  hostId: string | null;
  hostState: IHostState;
  meId: string;
  coHosts: string[];
  hostControl: THostControls;
type THostControls = {
  allowVideo: boolean;
  allowAudio: boolean;
  allowScreenShare: boolean;
  allowChat: boolean;
export type IHostState = 'host-false' | 'host-true' | 'no-host';
  • hostId is the id of the host
  • hostState is the state of the host
  • meId is the id of the current user
  • coHosts is an array of co-hosts
  • hostControl is an object that contains the host controls


  • allowVideo is a boolean that determines if the host allows video
  • allowAudio is a boolean that determines if the host allows audio
  • allowScreenShare is a boolean that determines if the host allows screen sharing
  • allowChat is a boolean that determines if the host allows chat


  • host-false is the state when the host is not in the room
  • host-true is the state when the host is in the room
  • no-host is the state when there is no host in the room


You can access the room state using the useHuddleStore hook.

To access the data of each peer in the room, you must have access to the peerId of that peer.

import { useHuddleStore } from "huddle01-client/hooks";
interface Props {
    peerId: string;
const Component = ({ peerId }) => {
    const hostId = useHuddleStore(state => state.hostId);
    return (
            {isCamPaused === peerId ? "Host" : "Not Host"}
        <div />

NOTE: Doing this will subscribe hostId state to that component and will re-render the component when the state changes.
Pro Tip: You dont need to add useEffect to subscribe to the state and change certains states based on this, it is already done for you.