• Docs
  • Web SDK
  • Store States
  • Room

Room States

Room is the entity that stores the meeting details. Every peer connects to a room to enable the meeting. Room has a unique ID named roomId, which is used to identify the room.


type IRoomState = {
  roomId: string;
  joined: boolean;
  droppedState: {
    type: IDropReason; // left, timeout, kicked, unhandled, not-joined, denied, closedByHost
    isDropped: boolean;
  createdAt: number;
  isRoomLocked: boolean;

roomId is the unique ID of the room.
joined is a boolean value that indicates whether the peer has joined the room or not.
droppedState is an object that contains the reason for the peer to leave the room.
createdAt is the timestamp when the room was created.
isRoomLocked is a boolean value that indicates whether the room is locked or not.

NOTE: All the above values are inside the object roomState and needs to accessed from there


This is very important state, as it indicates the reason for the peer to leave the room. it can be one of the following values:

  • left: Peer left the room.
  • timeout: Peer timed out.
  • kicked: Peer was kicked out of the room.
  • unhandled: Peer was disconnected due to an unhandled error.
  • not-joined: Peer was not joined to the room.
  • denied: Peer was denied to join the room by the host.
  • closedByHost: Peer was disconnected as the host closed the room.


You can access the room state using the useHuddleStore hook.

import { useHuddleStore } from "huddle01-client/hooks";
const App = () => {
    const roomId = useHuddleStore(state => state.roomState.roomId);
    return (
            RoomId: {roomId}
        <Component />

NOTE: Doing this will subscribe roomId state to that component and will re-render the component when the state changes.
Pro Tip: You dont need to add useEffect to subscribe to the state and change certains states based on this, it is already done for you.